Hi friends, today we will be looking at a crucial topic known as “Anger”. The question is, what is Anger?.
Anger is an emotion that can be characterized by:
- Tension and hostility
- Intense frustration, dislike, or irritation
- Antagonism toward someone or something you feel has deliberately done you wrong
- Increased energy levels
- Raised blood pressure
- Spike in hormones like adrenaline and noradrenaline
- Increase in body temperature
- Increased muscle tension
Dealing with anger as a child of God involves understanding that anger itself is not inherently sinful, but how we respond to it can be.
The Bible provides guidance on how to manage anger in a way that aligns with our new identity in Christ which are:
1. Acknowledge Your Anger: It’s important to recognize and admit when you’re feeling angry. Ephesians 4:26 says, “In your anger do not sin.” This implies that feeling anger is not the issue; rather, it’s how we handle it that matters.
2. Seek God’s Guidance: Turn to God in prayer, asking for wisdom and strength to manage your emotions. James 1:5 encourages us to ask God for wisdom, and He will give it generously. By seeking His guidance, we can respond to anger in a way that honours Him.
3.Renew Your Mind: Romans 12:2 encourages us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. This involves aligning our thoughts and attitudes with God’s truth. As we focus on His Word and allow the Holy Spirit to work in us, we can develop a mindset that responds to anger with grace and patience.
4.Practice Forgiveness: Ephesians 4:32 instructs us to be kind and compassionate, forgiving others just as God forgave us in Christ. Holding onto anger and resentment can be harmful, but choosing to forgive allows us to release the burden and experience peace.
5.Rely on the Holy Spirit: Galatians 5:22-23 describes the fruit of the Spirit, which includes love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, and self-control. As we depend on the Holy Spirit, He empowers us to exhibit these qualities, even in challenging situations.
6.Address the Issue Constructively: If your anger is related to a specific situation or person, seek to address it in a constructive and loving manner. Matthew 18:15 encourages us to go directly to the person involved and discuss the issue with the goal of reconciliation.
Remember, as a child of God, you have a new identity in Christ. You are not defined by your anger but by the love and grace of God. By relying on Him and allowing His Spirit to work in you, you can manage anger in a way that reflects your new nature and brings glory to God.
May the grace of God help us to know how to manage our anger in Jesus mighty name. Amen