“…they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the words of their testimony and loved not their lives even unto death”( Rev 12:11)
From the above scripture we will look out the 2 major underlined striking words as the Lord grant us grace.
The blood of Jesus Christ has justified us. We have been discharged and acquitted from guilts and condemnations. Jesus Christ was delivered up to death for our transgressions and was raised up to glory for our justification. No one can lay a charge or brings an act of impeachment against a saint.
We learnt from the book of Revelation how to overcome the Accuser of the brethren (satan). “…they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the words of their testimony and loved not their lives even unto death”.
What can wash away your sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus, what can blot out transgressions and purge out iniquity? Nothing but the blood of Jesus Christ. What can make you whiter than snow? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. No other fount I know, nothing, absolutely nothing but the blood of Jesus Christ.
The blood of Jesus Christ is the propitiation for sins. The blood provides atonement for sins and gives us peace. It blots out guilty stains of sin, transgressions and iniquity. The blood redeems us, it buys us back from the market of sin and slavery to Satan. We thank the father for the blood of sprinkling even the blood of Jesus Christ that speaks better things…it speaks mercy, Grace, healing, deliverance, restoration, redemption, prosperity; it speaks life not death nor condemnation. It speaks forgiveness and justification.
“they overcame by the blood…” we too can overcome by the blood. Let’s plunge into the fountain of the blood of Jesus Christ. Apply the blood, plead the blood of Jesus Christ. We need no argument nor further plea. It is enough that Jesus died and that He died for me and you. Have confidence in the blood and boldness to approach the throne room and you’ll find grace, mercy and help for a time of need.
Please, don’t draw back. No charge can be laid upon you if you plead the blood of Jesus Christ by faith. God cannot lie. He says, “when we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” God is faithful! Let us draw near to God with full assurance of faith and hope, having our consciences void of offense towards God and man (Heb 10:22). Let us draw near with a true heart, not with falsehood and deceit, not with an evil conscience of UNBELIEVE but a heart sprinkled with the blood of Jesus Christ. For there is forgiveness with God. There’s no shadow of turning with God. God is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, forgiving iniquities not just to the third and fourth generation but forever.
Remember, we have been given power or authority to overcome the Accuser of the brethren even Satan. This power is in the blood of Jesus Christ.
May the Lord bring us to that Justification power through His blood! Amen.