TAKING RESPONSIBILITY is very key in our day to day experience, a man will reaps what he sows says the scripture.
We want to look at this critical statement made by Apostle Paul in GALATIANS 6:7, he says “Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for you reap whatever you sow,” Paul says,
In the final judgment, we each will answer for our own lives, our way of life will have its natural consequences. If we “sow to the flesh,” led by self-seeking desires, we will reap the only thing the flesh can produce is corruption.
Our values today are badly messed up. We overlook the poor grades and irresponsible acts of high school and college athletes. Why? Because they win tournaments and make us look good! And how about “celebrity justice?” Someone famous gets a free pass, while the less fortunate do the time because they did the crime? Wrong! We need to teach our children that unless they accept responsibility, life won’t be good to them: “A man reaps what he sows.” Parent, taking personal responsibility means holding your child accountable when they violate the rules; mix with the wrong crowd; try “cool” stuff like drinking, drugs and premarital sex; cheat on a test; or stay out beyond curfew.
Sound straitlaced? So is gravity. So is the harvest law. Your sincere but naïve sentiment, “I want them to have all the things I didn’t have growing up,” will turn spoiled children into spoiled adults. Practice prevention: build a fence at the top of the cliff, not a hospital at the bottom! You say, “By the time l get home at night I’m too tired to discipline them.” Wake up: when they get arrested for crime, the judge won’t cut them any slack. Nor will the banker when he repossesses their car and their house because they didn’t pay the note. Kindness is cruelty
in disguise when it’s not accompanied by responsibility. Eli the High Priest rose to the top of his profession. Only one problem: he didn’t take responsibility for his family 1 Samuel . As a result, he and his sons died prematurely. God said, “I told him that I would judge his family…because…he failed to restrain them” (1sam 3:13 NIV). So, take responsibility and be proud of it!
One such instructive story is that of Eli and his two sons, Hophni and Phinehas. Before Solomon built a permanent temple at Jerusalem, the portable tabernacle was located at Shiloh, a city north of Jerusalem. Eli was the priest (probably the high priest) q we over the tabernacle at Shiloh (1 Samuel 1:9, 2:11) as well as a judge in Israel (1 Samuel 4:18). By this time, Eli was ninety-eight years old (1 Samuel 4:15).
Pray this simple prayer from your heart:
Dear Father, Keep me from sowing seeds from my sinful nature, for I do not want to reap the crop they will produce. May I not invest my time, money, or desires in the deceitful things of this world.