Bible Study Lesson 14- Luke Chapter 1:49-56
Recap of Lesson 13
In Lesson 13, we began the study of Mary’s Magnificate or magnification of the Lord. We saw how she declared that her soul [will, desire, emotions, and mind] were in continual thanksgiving to God because He hath already delivered her spirit. We examined this along with the express need of the Church to also adopt this and be in continuous thanksgiving that our names are written in heaven and not because demons are subject to us our we have riches. We also saw that our names being written in heaven on account of our encounter with the initial gift of salvation as recorded in Luke 10, does not translate to an assurance that our names will be found in the Lamb’s Book of Life shown in Revelations 20. We must work out our salvation with fear and trembling to get in as one signifies an enrolment and the other, a graduation. We referred to Mathew 25 and the story of the 10 virgins, five being foolish and five wise.
Again, we studied the fact that Mary not only declared what God had done for her but went on to prophesy about her future based on what the Lord had said to her. Examining this, we found that we are not only a people of prophecy but must be a prophesying people. We must as the Lord has revealed that He intends, be what He has said we are – A PROPHESYING PEOPLE. We also examined the reasons why we must be such a people.
Luke 1:49
This verse further reveals more reasons why we must be a prophesying people. Here, Mary declares that generations shall call her Blessed because, the Lord HATH DONE to her great things.
In our prophesying, we must not forget to call to our remembrance, the works that the Lord had done for us. If you are a young or new Christian and do not have any works that seem like the miracles you hear others in the Church say they have had or seen, start with the greatest and singular miracle you have, – the GIFT OF SALVATION.
We find that the enemy has made many of us forget that the salvation of a man’s soul from eternal damnation and it being given eternal life is in itself the greatest miracle from God. What instrumentality can change the intangible thought life, imagination, desire, emotion, will and intellect of a man’s soul if not by a miracle activated also by the invisible yet audible word from the One who made it?
It is the knowledge of the God who made the man that enables the man to in turn know himself which then enables him to receive enablement to align himself with the One who made him. John 17:3 – ‘and this is life eternal, that they may know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou has sent’.
We must return to the conscious appreciation of what God HATH DONE for us for He so loved the world that He gave His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM SHOULD NOT PERISH BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE’. Beloved Brethren, we have everlasting life right NOW and should sing the Lord’s praise for this continuously.
When the enemy comes and asks us what has your God done for you lately, let us lift up our voices like Mary and begin to magnify Him for our Salvation and present eternal life in the Lord Jesus. Do not be tempted to look for the spectacular or tangible manifestations to others or around you. While this is good to provoke in us divine desire, yet we must look for the invisible, ever present and eternal gift of His salvation and declare ‘He that is mighty HATH DONE to me great things, holy is His name’.
Luke 1: 50-55
Here we see Mary continue her magnification of the Lord God in her prophesying. She declares God’s might and power, proclaims His Character of justice and mercy, and recalls His promises to the fathers.
We learn from this, that as we begin to walk as a prophesying people, the magnification of the Lord and His acts to His people whether they be the people of natural Israel as recorded in scriptures for our instruction, or to persons we know who have, or are still working with God should form an integral part of our prophesying. It is in light of this that the Lord’s Prayer in Mathew 6: is also given. We see the Lord teach us certain principles of prayer and because this is not the discourse for this study, we will only highlight the first three principles brought out in our Lord’s Prayer and these are: 1. Statement of Relationship; 2. Praise or Declaration of His Character; 3. Invitation and Submission to His Authority and Rule.
It is written in Revelations 19:10 that, – ‘…the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy’. The word ‘testimony’ in this verse, means according to Strongs’ Concordance, evidence given (judicially or generally):- record, report, testimony, witness’. When therefore, we give a report about who the Lord Jesus is, what He has done or will do, we are prophesying. Though such declarations can be said to be worship, yet we also need to realise that they are also prophesying and it is the Lord’s intention that we should ALL prophesy.
Many times as is usually the case, what the Lord says or reveals to us about our lives, seem impossible in the natural. What do we then do? We must then learn to be a prophesying people by reaching back and recalling, and then declaring the Lord’s power and character. Let us look at two examples.
In 2 Samuel 7 we see David wanting to build a House for the Lord but was told by the Prophet Nathan that the Lord would not have him build the House but his Son would. However, because he had thought to do so, He the Lord, would build David an everlasting house and his Son would reign forever. Now this promise of the Lord was too large for David to imagine and what does he do? He returns to the presence of the Lord and begins to prophesy by declaring unto the Lord His goodness, power and character. He then asks that there be a performance of that which the Lord has spoken to him.
Prophesying will secure or affirm to us, that which we believe of the Lord.
In Jeremiah 32: Jeremiah is asked of the Lord to go buy landed property in a desolate area of Israel that had been left in such state by the captivity of Israel by the Medes. After obeying the instruction of the Lord, yet because his heart could not wrap itself around the possibility of the desolation he was seeing becoming the prosperity he had been told of b by the word of the Lord, he took up the spirit of prophecy and began to declare, ‘Ah Lord God! behold thou hast made the heaven and earth by thy great power’… In verses 17-22, Jeremiah begins to proclaim the power and character of God, His walk with Israel and promises.
Prophesying like this brings us unto the high place where God is and enables us to believe whatsoever He has told us that we in our usual minds cannot envisage. We must be a prohesying people.
Luke 1:56
This verse tells us that Mary abode with Elisabeth 3 months before returning to her own house. We need to stay with the witness we have received of the Lord.
Remember that we had shared on how Elisabeth was the witness which the Angel gave to Mary as the proof of God’s ability to do the impossible? [Lesson 12 Notes]. We need to stay with the witnesses in our lives that testify to God’s abilities and reality. We must learn to hold unto and remember the testimonies and people that testify to us of God’s realness. Stay with it or them for a season and do not itch to depart from one thing to another. Stay with it, meditate on it and receive full persuasion that our God’s abilities and presence is not a fable cunningly devised by men. Prove all things and hold fast to that which is good and true.
Prayer Points:
- Cause me to apprehend the reality of my calling as a prophesying vessel and Lord teach me by your word to live and war by prophecies
- Open my mind and remembrance to your power and character and teach me to extol you always even when my understanding is unable to grasp the magnitude of your word and or promises. Let me not judge you by feeble sense O Lord.
This weekly publication is from Chris and Imah of the THE NEIGHBOURHOOD CHURCH, Notes for today's Study.Please note that due to the difference in time zones presently,that the Study starts at 4.30pm British Standard Time,which is one hour behind the Nigerian time which will now be 5.30pm every saturday. The Lord bless us as we find time to share fellowship with us. Please do not forget you can ask questions and we welcome your contributions via messages and comments through our "WRITE TO US PAGE" HERE ON THIS WEBSITE. Warm Regards Chris and Imah - the ones our Master loves