
Life itself is not fair, it’s full of ups and downs, for one to go far, you must encourage yourself in the word of the Lord, telling yourself that you can make it, you can achieve whatever you want to achieve in this life, only if you can encourage yourself in the Lord and put it to work.

In 1samuel 30: 6, the bible made us to know despite all that befell David, a man after God’s heart. The Bible tells that ” And David encouraged himself in the Lord his God”.

That actually gave David the strength to inquired of the Lord, whether to pursue his enemy or not, encouragement is very vital in our day to day lives.

Do not be discouraged in lives, just keep pushing, keep believing and keep having faith in God, he will definitely come to your rescue.

The bible tells us that “Pleasant words are…health to the bones”.


Everybody needs encouragement. None of us achieves any- thing without help. The great achievers in history became all that they were because of the people in their lives.

We’ve seen The Chronicles of Narnia and The Lord of the Rings. But did you know that their authors, C. S. Lewis and J.R. R. Tolkien, were professors at Oxford University and main- tained a close friendship? Every week they’d meet to eat, talk about their fiction-writing endeavors and read passages of their yet unpublished works. It was Tolkien who encouraged Lewis, an avowed atheist, to explore Christianity, ultimately leading to his conversion. And it was Lewis who encouraged Tolkien to continue writing fiction and to seek publication. Were it not for their friendship and mutual encouragement, the world wouldn’t have received the finest writing in apologetics of the twentieth century, nor one of the finest fantasy works ever written.

Everyone young and old, successful and less-than- successful, famous and unknown-who receives encourage ment is changed by it. Mark Twain said, “One compliment can keep me going for a whole month.” A word of encouragement from a teacher can change a child’s life. A word of encourage ment from a spouse can strengthen or even save a marriage. A word of encouragement from a leader can inspire a person to reach his or her potential. Zig Ziglar says, “You never know when a moment and a few sincere words can have an impact on a life.” The Bible says, “Pleasant words are like a honey comb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones.” Oh Lord God help us to make this own watch words. Amen.

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